Privacy Policy


At Accuracy Shopping Center, we strive every day to build the world’s most popular, authentic and iconic brands. Trust is the cornerstone of a great brand and respecting the privacy rights of our customers is an integral part of building that trust. This privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal information to serve you.  

The basic terms of this policy cover all of .’s cons Accuracy Shopping Center Consumer-facing operations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. You can click on the geographic regions below to see additional terms that apply specifically to our customers in those regions. The region-specific terms of this policy only apply to the Accuracy Shopping Center in those geographic locations, or as applicable law requires.

You can see a list of which brands and affiliates operate in a specific geographic region here. : click to expand

For a complete list of our companies, click here. To contact the customer service department that serves your region, please see the “Have questions or concerns” section of this policy.

Your Right to Control How Your Personal Information is Used

You have the right to make requests regarding your personal information. You can:

  • Review the personal information we have about you or request a copy of it
  • Ask us to update or correct personal information if it is inaccurate
  • Request that we delete your personal information
  • Opt-out of sharing your personal information with third parties for some purposes, including sharing that may be defined as a sale under applicable laws.
  • Object to certain types of uses of your personal information
  • Make choices about receiving email marketing 
  • Tell us which cookies you want us to use when you shop online by clicking on the “Interest Based Ads” link at the bottom of our Canadian websites, or using the cookie banners on our United Kingdom or European Union websites

These rights vary depending on where you reside. But we will make reasonable efforts to honour your request, even if your country or state does not require us to do so.  If you ask us to delete or stop using your personal information, we may not be able to honour that request if the information is required to process your payments or returns, fulfil your order, or comply with tax, audit or regulatory requirements.

Types of Information We Collect

We collect information about you such as your contact information, payment information, demographic information, shopping preferences and information about the devices you use to shop online. 

We do not knowingly collect personal information directly from children under the age of 13 (16 in the United Kingdom/European Union) without parental consent. Our websites are general audience sites and are not specifically targeted to or intended for use by children.

We need to collect personal information in order to provide the products and services you request.  If you do not provide the information requested, we may not be able to provide you with these products and services.     

Learn more about the information we collect.

How We Collect Your Information

We collect information about you in a variety of different ways:

 Information you provide to us, such as while making a purchase or signing up for a loyalty or rewards program.

 Information we collect while you interact with our websites, mobile or other apps, social media sites, and other products and services.  This often involves information about your device such as IP addresses and MAC addresses. An information we get through cookies. 

 Information we collect about you from other sources, such as credit card issuers and data analytics firms.

 Information we create ourselves after we analyze the information we collected about you, such as your shopping preferences.  

Click to learn more about how we collect information from you. : click to expand

Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies are little bits of computer code that collect data by tagging along with you while you browse. Most websites, including ours, wouldn’t work very well without certain cookies. They allow us to prevent crashes, display information, fix bugs, and ensure the security of our site (and your account). These types of cookies are often called “strictly necessary” cookies. Because they are needed for our site to work, we don’t provide you with an ability to opt-out of these cookies. But you can remove them by using your browser settings. Keep in mind that certain features of our site may not be available to you.

Some cookies provide important services but are not strictly necessary for our website to work. These cookies use information about your interactions with us so we can suggest clothes and special offers for you. If your shopping is interrupted, they remember where you left off and send you reminders that you truly deserve that new outfit. These reminders might be sent to you in an email, on social media or while you’re browsing another website or on another device. We think these cookies are useful and will make it easier for you to shop with us. But you might disagree. If so, you can tell us not to use certain cookies by using the opt-out tools we have placed on our ecommerce websites.  These options vary by geographic region.

How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information to provide you with our products and services and to operate our business. We often use the information we collect for multiple purposes. For example, if you make a purchase on our website, we collect several types of data from you and use it in multiple ways: First, we use your shipping address to make sure that our products arrive at your door. We may also use your contact information to send you a receipt of purchase. We may look at your experience on our website to make improvements to it and try to tailor it to your needs. We will also analyse the data you provide us and your behaviour on our website to ensure that the activity is not fraudulent. Finally, we use your purchase information for other business-related purposes like accounting and financial reporting.

We may also combine information we collect from you with information we obtain from other sources. This may include your online and in-store purchase transactions and other interactions you have with us and our partners.  

We often obtain your consent to use your information. But sometimes, obtaining your consent is not needed because we may use your information for our own legitimate interests, to fulfil a contract with you, or to comply with legal obligations imposed on us. For example, when you make purchases online, we process your information to fulfil our contractual obligations. When you visit our websites, we have a legitimate interest in using your browsing data to improve our site’s usability, and when you engage with us online, we have a legal obligation to ensure that you are not attempting to defraud, us or our customers.

Learn more about how we use your information.

How We Share Personal Information

We may share your personal information with our affiliated companies and brands, with third parties who provide services to you or us, with promotional partners, with social media companies, or with other third parties as needed to carry out our business, or comply with a legal obligation.

Learn more about how we share information.

How we Store and Secure Your Information

8.1 Where We Store Information.

Accuracy Shopping Center is a global company with a global footprint, but the majority of the Personal Information that we collect is stored in the UK.  Your personal information may be subject to the laws of the countries in which it is stored or used. By providing us with any personal information, you understand that your information may be transferred, processed, or stored outside of your country of residence, , which may have a different data protection regime from the country in which you reside. In certain circumstances, courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, or security authorities in those other countries may be entitled to access your personal information. European customers can read more about this topic here:

European Union Data Transfers

8.2. Information Retention.

We will retain your personal information for as long as needed to provide the service to you (for example, as long as you have an online account with us) or as needed to fulfill our own obligations, such as preventing fraud, meeting regulatory requirements, resolving disputes, improving our services or maintaining security, and in each case, as consistent with applicable law. We may retain non-personal information that has been sufficiently aggregated or anonymized for a longer period.

8.3. Information Security.

We do our best to provide you with a safe and convenient shopping experience. We have put in place a wide variety of technical and organizational security measures to help protect you and the personal information we collect about you. Please note that we will never email you asking for account information like your user name, date of birth, credit card information, or other personal information.

8.4 Third Party Services.

We are not responsible for, and this policy does not address, the privacy practices of other third parties, such as Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, or any other app developers, social media platforms, operating system providers, wireless or telecommunications service providers, or device manufacturers. The inclusion of a link on our services does not imply an endorsement of the linked sites or services by us or our affiliates.

8.5 Sensitive Information.

Unless we request it, we ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive personal information (e.g., social security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background, or trade union membership) on or through our services or otherwise to us.

8.6 Third Party Payment Service.

We make certain third-party payment service processors available to you such as PayPal or Apple Pay.  If you wish to use one of these services, your personal information will be collected by such third party and will be subject to the third party’s privacy policy. We have no control over, and are not responsible for this third party’s collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information.

8.7 Changes to this Policy.

We will post updates to our privacy policy on our websites. If we change the policy in a manner that materially impacts your privacy rights, we will provide additional notice to you.

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